As Within Wellness

Change the world and heal ourselves

by | Apr 22, 2024

No matter what we do, we will change, the question is do we want to be in charge of how this change unfolds?

We are the authors of our lives. We can heal ourselves and shift the direction of our path. So many of us focus on how we can help others, which has value, but what if you helped others from a place of grounded resourcefulness? What if you focused on taking care of yourself so well, that you could show up in a more powerful way in the world?

Stop looking outside and start taking an internal inventory. What thoughts about yourself, others, and the world are you playing on repeat in your mind? Are these thoughts leading you towards more or less peace?

So many of us let the chatter in our minds lead us one way or another, in a constant swirl of emotional disarray as these thoughts impact our moods and decision making. What if our thoughts are just that, thoughts, and are often based on our fears and doubts rather than reality? What if over time you could change the way that your mind perceives and through that find liberation?

Our personalities, ways of being and thoughts are habitual ways of being and not set in stone. Our brains are wired this way due to environmental forces mixed with our genetic blueprints. All of this is subject to change, and we can be the change maker. We can shift the way our minds perceive, the way our genes express, and activate our own innate healing abilities.

We can be the change maker.

As within so without. As we tend the garden of our mind’s we will find the world to be a more verdant and richer place, full of wonder and beauty. If we don’t tend to our garden, our past will become our future. If we choose to become liberated from the patterns of our lives, it takes dedication to self. By taking the time to go inward we can discover an inner witness that is us, and watch the thoughts go by without identifying with them.

We can also see ourselves, our behaviors and patterns more clearly. It is almost like time slows down as we become more present. Then we can see the thoughts and how they influence us and choose to try something different. I can witness a judgment arise and ask myself what it is teaching me about the present moment. Oh, are we judging someone for being loud during a reverent moment, maybe there are times in our past where we lacked reverence, can we love ourselves for our lack of awareness?

Can we witness that everyone is only operating at their level of awareness and that they are doing their best? Can we hold this compassionate view and give others grace? Can we give this grace to ourselves?

When we can forgive ourselves for acting in ways that show our lack of awareness it allows us to disidentify with the past and allow a new future to unfold. When we can do this for others it creates a possibility for them to transcend their own unconscious ways of being.

What if we imagined everyone was able to overcome their past limitations? What if everyone was redeemable? What if the past versions of ourselves were not who we are? What if everyone is able to remove the patterns that obscure their light? What would it look like if we all were healing?

It matters not how many health-conscious external actions you take if you do not take the time to be health conscious about your inner world. We are so powerful that our subconscious programming will make us sick if our mind isn’t healthy. Do not despair! This is empowering information, because with this knowledge you can take charge of your life and create an internal landscape that promotes healing.

When we can be responsible for our lives, we can acknowledge how we contribute to our suffering. When we become aware of this, we can decide to take action to liberate ourselves. We can be our own saviors. 

Join us in this movement to change the world and heal ourselves. 

Photo credit: Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash